Monday, January 28, 2008

Back at the Blog

We're finally back at it! Welcome to our new blog for the University of Maine Foster Student Innovation Center. The FSIC provides the knowledge, tools and inspiration to help Maine students become innovators and entrepreneurs. We're helping them realize their dreams to start businesses, non-profits and creative projects.

A lot has happened since we originally started a blog, including our name change. We are very honored that the Student Innovation Center has been named in recognition of Bion and Dorain Foster. These two very generous people are dedicated to helping our students succeed, and they have plenty of experience to share with us. Bion has started nearly 50 businesses in his career, and Dorain has many years of management experience, particularly in the hospitality industry.

We have been working with many new students on businesses and projects, and several of our existing student businesses have won grants, received investment, taken on new customers, and created new products. It was an exciting fall!

This blog will feature information about noteworthy events, cutting-edge businesses, cool products, our favorite innovators, and the challenges and opportunities facing innovators and entrepreneurs. Check here regularly for valuable information and when you need a little inspiration to keep you going on the trailblazing path.

My closing thought for the day: "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." - Galileo Galilei

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